Your Lakeside Spa: Barrel Saunas

April 13, 2024

Every year we have more clients looking to bring the spa to their own private lakeside getaway. One upscale amenity we’ve added to our clients homes recently is the rustic, relaxing barrel sauna.

While the sleek, minimalist design’s appeal is obvious, it’s also much more energy efficient. The sauna’s cylindrical shape removes the unused airspace in a typical sauna. This makes it more efficient and cost effective, not to mention faster to heat up.

On a lakeside addition on a waterfront property, many bubble saunas include a tinted, bubble-style window that offers a beautiful view while maintaining the privacy of those inside. In one of our bubble saunas there’s even an adjacent change room to limit the amount of time spent running between the cabin and the sauna!

Have questions about Kenora builders, contractors, or interior cottage design?  Please contact Bill Scurfield by email at or visit our website

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